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Pridružen/-a: 08.09. 2008, 00:05
Prispevkov: 149
Kraj: slovenska bistrica

Prispevek PAHLJAČASTA MEČARICA Odgovori s citatom
Pahljačasta mečarica v popolni lovski opravi prelivajočih se barv in z dvignjeno hrbtno plavutjo kroži okoli kroglaste jate sardel v Mehiškem zalivu.

Lovci se zbirajo:več kot 100 pahljačastih mečaricspremlja in opazuje kot slon veliko jato zlatih sardel v morju pred mehiškim otokom Isla Mujeres.Velike ribe,ki lahko od konice repa do konca repne plavuti merijo kar 2,5 metra,priženejo plen iz globljega morja,saj ga pod površjem,obsijanim s soncem,lažje polovijo.

Plenilka s koščenim mečem reže skozi jato sardel in jo tako razbije v manjše skupine,ki jim je lažje slediti,ko se poskušajo z vijugastim plavanjem izmakniti zasledovalki.Sardele,ki se skrivajo v množicah,plavajo kot eno.

Pahljačasta mečarica se je med zasledovanjem plena pognala iz vode,pljusknila nazaj v morje in zgrabila sardelo,ki jo je ločila od jate.Ker je plavajočega plena še veliko,se bo kmalu znova pognala v vrtinec.

23 Sep 2008 14:23 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 06.09. 2010, 12:46
Prispevkov: 17

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
The Suckers are spawning this time of year. That is most likely what you saw.
They take extreme patience to catch, but worms are generally the preferred bait to use.
Suckerfish are relatives of carp, and are commonly referred to as garbage fish, as they are bottom feeders. There are many types of suckerfish, so the general term is almost always used. Catostomidae is the technical term.
Suckers are commonly speared in mass throughout North America, and are known as the "poor man's salmon." They are actually just large minnows. I caught a 10lb sucker yesterday accidentally with a pool skimming net in a small river.
If you have any cleaning knowledge, you should try catching and filleting one, once you get past the bones, they are actually quite tasty. (Fish Crisp, or Flour with egg, pan seared with lemon juice.)
If you are wanting to catch one with tackle, I recommend putting a split shot (weight) roughly a foot away from the bait, along with a worm rolled like a ball on a hook. Find a Y shaped stick and stick it in the shore, cast your bait, lay the rod through the Y, and find a spot to relax. They take some time as they are bottom feeders, but they have been known to perform like largemouth when hooked.
The spawn usually starts end of march, early april and can end as late as early june.
HOWEVER This could very well be carp, and they are definately catch-able this time of year.
Dough balls are always good. Also, if you can get into a local animal feed store, purchase a large bag of cracked corn, or "chicken scratch" and dump that in the lake. The carp will eventually _______________________________________________________________
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06 Sep 2010 16:43 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo

Pridružen/-a: 16.06. 2015, 09:10
Prispevkov: 2

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
I'm also wondering about these things, really.
16 Jun 2015 09:11 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
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